As the days get cooler, its time to unpack your winter woollies and pack away your bright summer clothes. But, don’t put away those sunglasses, and here’s a list of reasons why those fun summer accessories are an essential part of your winter wear, too.

Sunglasses reduce glare

Our eyes require just the right amount of light for effective vision, not too little and not too much. While the summer sun is brighter than the winter sun, the reflected glare caused by the sun in winter can be uncomfortable. Attempting to reduce bright glare can lead to eye strain and headaches. This is particularly difficult while driving. Sunglasses make for better and safer vision.

Sunglasses protect the eyes from UV rays

Exposure to ultra-violet (UV) rays is associated with the development of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, and is harmful throughout the year. Damage from the sun occurs just as easily in winter as it does in summer. The winter sun feels less intense than the summer sun, it is lower in the sky and at a different angle, and exposure to it can be dangerous.

Sunglasses help with dry eyes

Winter is often the time of year for red, dry, irritated eyes, due to the drier air outdoors as well as heating indoors. Sunglasses will help to protect the eyes outdoors, reducing the evaporation of natural moisture from the eyes. Using a humidifier in the home or work environment will help moisturise the eyes indoors.

Sunglasses protect eyes from wind and dust

Sunglasses create a barrier against cold winds and dust. Wrap-around sunglasses are most effective in these situations.

Sunglasses and contact lenses

Contact lens wearers are particularly susceptible to dry eyes. Wearing sunglasses helps keep contact lenses from drying out, and prevents windblown particles from getting into the eyes and causing discomfort.

Children and sunglasses

Remember that children’s eyes, too, are sensitive to harmful UV rays, so protect their eyes by encouraging them to wear sunglasses.

Sunglasses aren’t just a summer fashion statement

Sunglasses have been making a fashion statement since the 1930’s, but a quality pair of sunglasses does more than turn heads; it is essential for visual health. So, don’t pack away your sunglasses or allow them to hibernate as you wrap up for winter.

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